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Dear Customers,

Postage Revision on e-Express Service

Thank you for using e-Express service.

Effective from 1 March 2021 (Monday), the postage rates of e-Express services will be revised.   Due to the substantial increase in air conveyance costs arising from sustained pandemic on a global scale since early 2020, we have no other options but to increase our postage.  The postage revision also reflects the increase in delivery charges levied by overseas postal administrations and the operating costs.  Among the 43 destinations, a total of 9 destinations’ postage rates would remain unchanged.

In view of the substantial reduction in flight frequencies or even cancellation of direct flights to a few destinations, Hongkong Post considers it necessary to temporarily suspend e-Express service to 14 destinations, including Brazil, Canada, Cambodia, Iceland, Israel, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, Slovenia and South Africa.

Hongkong Post would continue to keep close communication with airlines for air space allotment and postal administrations of destinations on their processing of inbound mails, with a view to resuming our services to more destinations.  We strive to control the cost and continue to provide value-for-money and quality services to customers.

Details of the new postage rates of e-Express service is provided below.


Please visit our webpage for service availability and also make use of our “postage calculator” function in estimating postage for international mails.



(Postage Calculator)


If you have any enquiries on the above, please feel free to contact respective account manager or our enquiry hotline at 2921 2222.


Yours sincerely,
(Elaine CHIK)
Senior Manager
(Cross Border and International Delivery)
Hongkong Post

如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2921 2222與我們聯絡,或瀏覽香港郵政網址 www.hongkongpost.hk.

lease do not reply to this email; should you have any enquiries, please contact us on 2921 2222, or visit our HKP's website