Type of Tender: Revenue
Tender Reference: HKP 202308
Procuring Department: Hongkong Post
Subject: Provision of Marketing of the Advertising Media on Hongkong Post Infrastructure
Description: Provision of Marketing of the Advertising Media on Hongkong Post Infrastructure for a duration of 2 years commencing on the date as specified on the letter of acceptance.
Estimated Quantity: 2 years
Contact for Enquiries: Mr. Dicky LEE, Manager (Business Analytics)2
Address: 6/F, Hongkong Post Building, 8 Wang Kee Street, Kowloon Bay
Phone: (852) 2921 6473
Fax: (852) 2541 4868
Email Address: dicky_cl_lee@hkpo.gov.hk
Closing Date: 12:00 noon on 12 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time)
Submission of tender:

Tenders must be submitted through paper-based tendering or through Electronic Tendering:

  • For Paper-based tendering
    Tenders must be clearly marked with the type of envelope (A/B), tender reference and the subject of the tender on the outside of both Envelope A and Envelope B (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer) addressed to the Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, Government Logistics Department and deposited in the Government Logistics Department Tender Box (“Specified Tender Box”) situated on the Ground Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, before 12:00 noon on 12 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time). Tenders must be deposited in the Specified Tender Box before the aforementioned time. Late tenders and tenders not deposited in the Specified Tender Box will not be accepted.
  • For Electronic Tendering
    Tenders must be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of use and participation of the e-Tender Box (ETB) before 12:00 noon on 12 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time). Tenders must be submitted through the ETB before the aforementioned time. Late tenders and tenders which the required documents cannot be submitted through the ETB before the aforementioned time will not be accepted.

For Electronic Tendering, please refer to ETB website for details: https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk.

If tropical cyclone signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or a black rainstorm warning signal or ‘extreme conditions’ announced by the Government is/are in force at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on the tender closing date, the tender closing time will be postponed to 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on the first working day after the tropical cyclone signal No. 8 is lowered, or the black rainstorm warning signal or the ‘extreme conditions’ announced by the Government has/have ceased to be in force. In case of blockage of the public access to the location of the Specified Tender Box at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the tender closing date, the Government will announce extension of the tender closing time until further notice. Following removal of the blockage, the Government will announce the extended tender closing time as soon as practicable. The above announcements will be made via press releases on the website of the Information Services Department (https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/today.htm).

  1. Open tendering is adopted. All interested contractors/suppliers/service providers are invited to tender. The qualifications/conditions for participation and other tender requirements are stipulated in the Terms of Tender in the tender document.
  2. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not bind itself to accept any tender irrespective of whether the tender is the lowest bid or, as the assessment of the tenders is based on a marking scheme, the tender has the highest combined score of price offer and technical proposal and reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of the offer.
  3. Details of the award of this contract will be published on the Internet at https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/about_us/tender/notice/award/index.html
Place for collection of tender documents:

The tender documents could be downloaded from the ETB of the Procurement and Contract Management System (PCMS). Information about e-tendering is available on ETB website: (https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk).

Forms of tenders and further particulars are obtainable on this website:

01 Lodging of Tender & Offer to be bound & Memorandum of Acceptance [PDF, 3 Pages of 239KB]
02 Interpretation [PDF, 15 Pages of 148KB]
03 Terms of Tender [PDF, 39 Pages of 319KB]
04 Annex A to the Terms of Tender (Guidance Note GN-1) [PDF, 1 Page of 25KB]
05 Annex B to the Terms of Tender (Tender Evaluation Procedures, Criteria and Marking Scheme) [PDF, 10 Pages of 199KB]
06 Annex C to the Terms of Tender (Information Schedule) [PDF, 4 Pages of 135KB]
07 Annex D to the Terms of Tender (Non-collusive Tendering Certificate) [PDF, 3 Pages of 118KB]
08 Annex E to the Terms of Tender (Reply Slip for Tender Briefing Session) [PDF, 2 Pages of 75KB]
09 Appendix to the Terms of Tender (Contact Details) [PDF, 2 Pages of 12KB]
10 Conditions of Contract [PDF, 45 Pages of 300KB]
11 Service Specifications [PDF, 5 Pages of 169KB]
12 Annex A to the Service Specifications (List of Advertising Media) [PDF, 42 Pages of 437KB]
13 Annex B to the Service Specifications (Photos of iPostal Staion, iPostal Kiosk and PLVM) [PDF, 2 Pages of 273KB]
14 Contract Schedule 1 (Price Schedule) [PDF, 5 Pages of 97KB]
15 Contract Schedule 2 (Implementation) [PDF, 3 Pages of 21KB]
16 Contract Schedule 3 (Pro-innovation Proposals and ESG Proposals) [PDF, 2 Pages of 110KB]
17 Completeness Check Schedule [PDF, 1 Page of 98KB]
Type of Tender: Service
Tender Reference: HKP 202401
Procuring Department: Hongkong Post
Subject: Provision of Security Guard Service for the General Post Office of Hongkong Post
Description: Provision of Security Guard Service for the General Post Office of Hongkong Post
Estimated Quantity: 30 months
Contact for Enquiries: Mr Terry LO, Assistant Manager (General Supplies)
Address: Hongkong Post Supplies Section, 5/F, Hongkong Post Building, 8 Wang Kee Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2920 3125
Fax: (852) 2347 5205
Email Address: terry_wk_lo@hkpo.gov.hk
Closing Date: 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on 12 August 2024
Submission of tender:

Tenders must be submitted through paper-based tendering or through Electronic Tendering:

  • For Paper-based tendering
    Tenders must be clearly marked with the type of envelope (A/B), tender reference and the subject of the tender on the outside of both Envelope A and Envelope B (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer) addressed to the Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, Government Logistics Department and deposited in the Government Logistics Department Tender Box (“Specified Tender Box”) situated on the Ground Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, before 12:00 noon on 12 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time). Tenders must be deposited in the Specified Tender Box before the aforementioned time. Late tenders and tenders not deposited in the Specified Tender Box will not be accepted.
  • For Electronic Tendering
    Tenders must be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of use and participation of the e-Tender Box (ETB) before 12:00 noon on 12 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time). Tenders must be submitted through the ETB before the aforementioned time. Late tenders and tenders which the required documents cannot be submitted through the ETB before the aforementioned time will not be accepted.

For Electronic Tendering, please refer to ETB website for details: https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk.

If tropical cyclone signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or a black rainstorm warning signal or ‘extreme conditions’ announced by the Government is/are in force at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on the tender closing date, the tender closing time will be postponed to 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on the first working day after the tropical cyclone signal No. 8 is lowered, or the black rainstorm warning signal or the ‘extreme conditions’ announced by the Government has/have ceased to be in force. In case of blockage of the public access to the location of the Specified Tender Box at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the tender closing date, the Government will announce extension of the tender closing time until further notice. Following removal of the blockage, the Government will announce the extended tender closing time as soon as practicable. The above announcements will be made via press releases on the website of the Information Services Department (https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/today.htm).

  1. Open tendering is adopted. All interested contractors/suppliers/service providers are invited to tender. The qualifications/conditions for participation and other tender requirements are stipulated in the Terms of Tender in the tender document.
  2. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not bind itself to accept any tender irrespective of whether the tender is the lowest bid or, as the assessment of the tenders is based on a marking scheme, the tender has the highest combined score of price offer and technical proposal and reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of the offer.
  3. Details of the award of this contract will be published on the Internet at https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/about_us/tender/notice/award/index.html
Place for collection of tender documents:

The tender documents could be downloaded from the ETB of the Procurement and Contract Management System (PCMS). Information about e-tendering is available on ETB website: (https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk).

Forms of tenders and further particulars are obtainable on this website:

00a-Tender Form_Eng_Page_1 [PDF, 1 Page of 51KB]
00b-Tender Form_Eng_Page_2 [PDF, 1 Page of 31KB]
00c-Tender Form_Eng_Page_3 [PDF, 1 Page of 66KB]
01-Interpretation [PDF, 11 Pages of 122KB]
02-Terms of Tender [PDF, 35 Pages of 258KB]
03a-Annex A - Marking Scheme [PDF, 9 Pages of 96KB]
03b-Annex B - Working Background [PDF, 6 Pages of 162KB]
03c-Annex C - Experience of the Tenderer [PDF, 1 Pages of 16KB]
03d-Annex D - Non-collusive Tendering Certificate [PDF, 3 Pages of 81KB]
03e-Annex E - Certification of Heat Stroke Prevention Work Plan [PDF, 2 Pages of 16KB]
03f-Annex_F - Tender Briefing [PDF, 1 Page of 13KB]
03g-Annex G - Contact List [PDF, 1 Page of 10KB]
04a-Appendix A - Requirements of the Financial Information [PDF, 2 Pages of 80KB]
04b-Appendix B - Bankers Gaurantee [PDF, 5 Pages of 34KB]
05-Conditions of Contract [PDF, 46 Pages of 415KB]
06a-Attachment A - CPA Report [PDF, 2 Pages of 69KB]
06b_Attachment B_SEC_17.5.2023 [PDF, 23 Pages of 488KB]
07a-Service Specifications (Part A) [PDF, 2 Pages of 68KB]
07b-Service Specifications (Part B to E) [PDF, 9 Pages of 115KB]
08a-SG-Contract Schedule 1_Price [PDF, 4 Pages of 56KB]
08b-SG-Contract Schedule 2 [PDF, 2 Pages of 20KB]
08c-Contract Schedule 3 [PDF, 3 Pages of 24KB]
Type of Tender: Service
Tender Reference: HKP 202311
Procuring Department: Hongkong Post
Subject: Provision of Cleaning Services for the Premises of Hongkong Post in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories
Description: Provision of Cleaning Services for the Premises of Hongkong Post in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories
Estimated Quantity: 36 months
Contact for Enquiries: Mr Terry LO, Assistant Manager (General Supplies)
Address: Hongkong Post Supplies Section, 5/F, Hongkong Post Building, 8 Wang Kee Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2920 3125
Fax: (852) 2347 5205
Email Address: terry_wk_lo@hkpo.gov.hk
Closing Date: 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on 30 August 2024
Submission of tender:

Tenders must be submitted through paper-based tendering or through Electronic Tendering:

  • For Paper-based tendering
    Tenders must be clearly marked with the type of envelope (A/B), tender reference and the subject of the tender on the outside of both Envelope A and Envelope B (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer) addressed to the Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, Government Logistics Department and deposited in the Government Logistics Department Tender Box (“Specified Tender Box”) situated on the Ground Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, before 12:00 noon on 30 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time). Tenders must be deposited in the Specified Tender Box before the aforementioned time. Late tenders and tenders not deposited in the Specified Tender Box will not be accepted.
  • For Electronic Tendering
    Tenders must be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of use and participation of the e-Tender Box (ETB) before 12:00 noon on 30 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time). Tenders must be submitted through the ETB before the aforementioned time. Late tenders and tenders which the required documents cannot be submitted through the ETB before the aforementioned time will not be accepted.

For Electronic Tendering, please refer to ETB website for details: https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk.

If tropical cyclone signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or a black rainstorm warning signal or ‘extreme conditions’ announced by the Government is/are in force at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on the tender closing date, the tender closing time will be postponed to 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on the first working day after the tropical cyclone signal No. 8 is lowered, or the black rainstorm warning signal or the ‘extreme conditions’ announced by the Government has/have ceased to be in force. In case of blockage of the public access to the location of the Specified Tender Box at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the tender closing date, the Government will announce extension of the tender closing time until further notice. Following removal of the blockage, the Government will announce the extended tender closing time as soon as practicable. The above announcements will be made via press releases on the website of the Information Services Department (https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/today.htm).

  1. Open tendering is adopted. All interested contractors/suppliers/service providers are invited to tender. The qualifications/conditions for participation and other tender requirements are stipulated in the Terms of Tender in the tender document.
  2. This tender is covered by the Agreement on Government Procurement of the World Trade Organization (WTO GPA) and will not involve electronic auction. This notice also serves as a summary notice required under WTO GPA.
  3. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not bind itself to accept any tender irrespective of whether the tender is the lowest bid or, as the assessment of the tenders is based on a marking scheme, the tender has the highest combined score of price offer and technical proposal and reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of the offer.
  4. Details of the award of this contract will be published on the Internet at https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/about_us/tender/notice/award/index.html
Place for collection of tender documents:

The tender documents could be downloaded from the ETB of the Procurement and Contract Management System (PCMS). Information about e-tendering is available on ETB website: (https://pcms2.gld.gov.hk).

Forms of tenders and further particulars are obtainable on this website:

00a-Tender Form_Eng_Page_1 [PDF, 1 Page of 51KB]
00b-Tender Form_Eng_Page_2 [PDF, 1 Page of 31KB]
00c-Tender Form_Eng_Page_3 [PDF, 1 Page of 66KB]
01-Interpretation [PDF, 12 Pages of 133KB]
02-Terms of Tender [PDF, 39 Pages of 270KB]
03-Annex A - Marking Scheme [PDF, 13 Pages of 172KB]
04-Annex B - Working Background [PDF, 6 Pages of 164KB]
05-Annex C - Experience of the Tenderer [PDF, 1 Page of 18KB]
06-Annex D - Non-collusive Tendering Certificate [PDF, 3 Pages of 81KB]
07-Annex E - Certification of Heat Stroke Prevention Work Plan [PDF, 2 Pages of 16KB]
08-Annex F - Registration Form for Tender Briefing [PDF, 1 Page of 14KB]
09-Annex G - Contact Details [PDF, 1 Page of 70KB]
10-Appendix A - Requirements of the Financial Information [PDF, 2 Pages of 80KB]
11-Appendix B - Bankers Gaurantee [PDF, 5 Pages of 32KB]
12-Conditions of Contract [PDF, 49 Pages of 571KB]
13-Attachment A - CPA Report [PDF, 2 Pages of 55KB]
14-Attachment B - SEC_17.5.2023 [PDF, 23 Pages of 483KB]
15a-Part_A-Service_Specifications [PDF, 7 Pages of 129KB]
15b-Part_B to D - Service Specifciations [PDF, 28 Pages of 572KB]
16a-Annex to the Service Specifications [PDF, 9 Pages of 144KB]
16b-Annex to the Service Specifications [PDF, 4 Pages of 82KB]
16c-Annex to the Service Specifications [PDF, 3 Pages of 68KB]
16d-Annex to the Service Specifications [PDF, 3 Pages of 71KB]
17-Contract_Schedule_1 [PDF, 10 Pages of 73KB]
18-Contract Schedule 2 [PDF, 2 Pages of 18KB]
19-Contract Schedule 3 [PDF, 3 Pages of 23KB]